Thursday 19 February 2009

Generational Marketing and Tweenagers...

A Tween is between 8 to 12 years old, in the UK there are currently around four million tweens. They are a highly media literate group of consumers for whom marketing, advertising and the importance of brands are a part of life. One of the most marked effects of the ‘kids getting older younger’ phenomenon is the increase of interest in appearance at an earlier age. Marketers are able to target this through magazines such as “Cosmo Girl” and “Sugar”. By using pink and other girly images on make up packaging, along with using older models that the Tweens aspire towards they are easily influenced into purchasing the products. E.g. Miss Sporty Make-Up (which is also pocket money friendly).

In terms of advertisement, raunchiness and the rebellion of being a teenager is kept off the scene with more emphasis on how they will look, feel or act better. An important aspect of tween marketing is the viral nature of the school playground with trends and fads such as Pokemon cards or the Tamagotchi flitting in and out of fashion.
Tweens are an important generation to market to as they are becoming increasingly savvier consumers affected by the influence of the media. The female tween market is saturated with brands targeting young girls for make-up, hair straightners, clothes etc. Whereas, the boy tween market has limited branding apart from the likes of Play Station and Xbox. Therefore, if marketed correctly, there is scope for further branding to arise in the boy tween market.

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

Great work - good synopsis, good link to Business Week, and I want a bottle top necklace!