Friday 2 January 2009

Memory & Nostalgia...

Memories can effect a buyer's decision influencing the ''information search'' and ''evaluation of alternative'' stages in Kotler's buyer decision process. In terms of fast and frugal heuristics (making quick decisions when there is a lot of choice- Williams 2001) we use our memory as one source from which we can search for information that we can use for as choice criteria such as taking your last purchase decision in mind when looking at a similar situation. However, there are other sources from which buyer decision is influenced such as; recognising the brand and going for that one over the unfamiliar, recognising attractive labelling and advertising and assessing the options in order of percieved importance of criteria (each products unique selling point).

In terms of marketing objectives memory can be an effective tool in manipulating the buyer's mind; Britt (1955) describes this as "Every time an advertisement or commercial appears, the objective is to have the reader or viewer learn something …. and remember what he learned", in other words "to get the brand into the evoked set" (Ruth Hickmott).
As well as heuristics and memory; nostalgia cann also influence the buyer decision process. For example, music can trigger memories - therefore, a product aimed to a certian age range could be accompanied by a hit of that era consequently causing nostalgia for the intended audience. If a marketer can evoke feeling of happiness through nostalgic stimuli, there will be postive links toward the product. The advert itself can also be nostalgic: for example, the follwing Marks & Spencer advert is black and white with old fashioned music and adopting the style of an old movie.
In order to test the effects of nostalgia i showed my mum a youtube ad of Level 42 (a band dearly loved by herself in her late 20's). After hearing the music and watching the pop video she began talking extensively of her past and appeared positive and cheerful; she relayed stories of the dodgy fashion of the 80's and the old cars that she used to drive. This therefore showed positive links towards her past and if this could be linked to a product it would definately influence buyer decision.


Natasha said...

This is wonderful Kerry...just spiffing! Very concise! And wasn't it so funny interviewing your mum..I was in hysterics with mine!! You rock at blogging!! xx

Husna said...

Good marks and spencer advert used.